Papers with keyword 'authentication'
That is, papers related to Authentication
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These papers relate to authentication - most often, to identification and verification of the user of a system or application.
In many of these papers, we were motivated by applications in a healthcare setting.
Papers are listed in reverse-chronological order.
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- 2024:
Ravindra Mangar, Jingyu Qian, Wondimu Zegeye, Mounib Khanafer, Abdulrahman AlRabah, Ben Civjan, Shalni Sundram, Sam Yuan, Carl Gunter, Kevin Kornegay, Timothy J. Pierson, and David Kotz.
Designing and Evaluating a Testbed for the Matter Protocol: Insights into User Experience.
Proceedings of the NDSS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Standardized IoT (SDIoTSec).
NDSS, February 2024.
Distinguished Paper Award.
Timothy J. Pierson, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatuses, Methods, and Software For Secure Short-Range Wireless Communication.
U.S. Patent 11,894,920, February 6, 2024.
Priority date 2017-09-06; WO Filed 2018-09-06, US Filed 2020-02-26, Continuation of 11,153,026; Issued 2024-02-06.
Timothy J. Pierson, Ronald Peterson, and David F. Kotz.
System and method for proximity detection with single-antenna device.
U.S. Patent 11,871,233; International Patent Application WO2019210201A1, January 9, 2024.
Priority date 2018-04-27; Filed 2019-04-26; Published 2021-07-29, Issued 2024-01-09.
- 2023:
Beatrice Perez, Timothy J. Pierson, Gregory Mazzaro, and David Kotz.
Identification and Classification of Electronic Devices Using Harmonic Radar.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT), pages 248–255.
IEEE, June 2023.
Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatus for securely configuring a target device.
U.S. Patent 11,683,071, June 20, 2023.
Continuation of U.S. Patent 10,574,298. Priority date 2015-06-23; Filed 2020-01-20; Allowed 2023-02-10; Issued 2023-06-20.
Shrirang Mare, David Kotz, and Ronald Peterson.
Effortless authentication for desktop computers using wrist wearable tokens.
U.S. Patent 11,574,039, February 7, 2023.
Priority date 2018-07-20; International application Filed 2019-07-19; National stage Filed 2021-01-20; Issued 2023-02-07.
- 2021:
Sougata Sen and David Kotz.
VibeRing: Using vibrations from a smart ring as an out-of-band channel for sharing secret keys.
Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, volume 78, article 101505, 16 pages.
Elsevier, December 2021.
Timothy J. Pierson, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatuses, Methods, and Software For Secure Short-Range Wireless Communication.
U.S. Patent 11,153,026, October 19, 2021.
Priority date 2017-09-06; WO Filed 2018-09-06, US Filed 2020-02-26, US amendment filed 2021-01-29; Issued 2021-10-19.
Travis Peters, Timothy J. Pierson, Sougata Sen, José Camacho, and David Kotz.
Recurring Verification of Interaction Authenticity Within Bluetooth Networks.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2021), pages 192–203.
ACM, June 2021.
Paul Gralla.
An inside vs. outside classification system for Wi-Fi IoT devices.
June 2021.
Undergraduate Thesis.
- 2020:
Sougata Sen and David Kotz.
VibeRing: Using vibrations from a smart ring as an out-of-band channel for sharing secret keys.
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT), article 13, 8 pages.
ACM, October 2020.
ISBN13: 9781450387583.
Nominated for Best-Paper award.
Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Securely Connecting Wearables to Ambient Displays with User Intent.
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, volume 17, number 4, pages 676–690.
IEEE, July 2020.
Date of Publication: 28 May 2018.
Xiaohui Liang, Tianlong Yun, Ron Peterson, and David Kotz.
Secure System For Coupling Wearable Devices To Computerized Devices with Displays.
U.S. Patent 10,581,606, March 3, 2020.
Priority date 2014-08-18, Filed 2015-08-18; Issued 2020-03-03.
Timothy J. Pierson, Xiaohui Liang, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Apparatus for Securely Configuring A Target Device and Associated Methods.
U.S. Patent 10,574,298, February 25, 2020.
Priority date 2015-06-23; Filed 2016-06-23; Issued 2020-02-25.
- 2019:
Timothy J. Pierson, Travis Peters, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Proximity Detection with Single-Antenna IoT Devices.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), article 21, 15 pages.
ACM, October 2019.
Sougata Sen, Varun Mishra, and David Kotz.
Using vibrations from a SmartRing as an out-of-band channel for sharing secret keys.
Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), pages 198–201.
ACM, September 2019.
Timothy J. Pierson, Travis Peters, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
CloseTalker: secure, short-range ad hoc wireless communication.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), pages 340–352.
ACM, June 2019.
Shrirang Mare, Reza Rawassizadeh, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Continuous Smartphone Authentication using Wristbands.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Usable Security (USEC), 12 pages.
Internet Society, February 2019.
- 2018:
Timothy J. Pierson, Travis Peters, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Poster: Proximity Detection with Single-Antenna IoT Devices.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), pages 663–665.
ACM, October 2018.
Best poster award.
Shrirang Mare, Reza Rawassizadeh, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
SAW: Wristband-based authentication for desktop computers.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) (Ubicomp), volume 2, number 3, article 125, 29 pages.
ACM, September 2018.
Timothy J. Pierson.
Secure Short-range Communications.
PhD thesis, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, June 2018.
Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2018-845.
Andrés D. Molina-Markham, Shrirang Mare, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
Continuous seamless mobile device authentication using a separate electronic wearable apparatus.
U.S. Patent 9,961,547, May 1, 2018.
Priority date 2016-09-30, Filed 2016-09-30; Issued 2018-05-01.
Rui Liu, Cory Cornelius, Reza Rawassizadeh, Ron Peterson, and David Kotz.
Vocal Resonance: Using Internal Body Voice for Wearable Authentication.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) (UbiComp), volume 2, number 1, article 19, 23 pages.
ACM, March 2018.
- 2017:
Shrirang Mare, Andrés Molina-Markham, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
System, Method and Authorization Device for Biometric Access Control to Digital Devices.
U.S. Patent 9,832,206; International Patent Application WO2014153528A2, November 28, 2017.
Priority date 2013-03-21; Filed 2014-03-21; Issued 2017-11-28.
Xiaohui Liang and David Kotz.
AuthoRing: Wearable User-presence Authentication.
Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys), pages 5–10.
ACM, June 2017.
Rui Liu, Cory Cornelius, Reza Rawassizadeh, Ron Peterson, and David Kotz.
Poster: Vocal Resonance as a Passive Biometric.
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), page 160.
ACM, June 2017.
Rui Liu, Reza Rawassizadeh, and David Kotz.
Toward Accurate and Efficient Feature Selection for Speaker Recognition on Wearables.
Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys), pages 41–46.
ACM, June 2017.
Xiaohui Liang, Tianlong Yun, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
LightTouch: Securely Connecting Wearables to Ambient Displays with User Intent.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), pages 1–9.
IEEE, May 2017.
- 2016:
- 2014:
Cory Cornelius, Ronald Peterson, Joseph Skinner, Ryan Halter, and David Kotz.
A wearable system that knows who wears it.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), pages 55–67.
ACM, June 2014.
Shrirang Mare, Andrés Molina-Markham, Cory Cornelius, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
ZEBRA: Zero-Effort Bilateral Recurring Authentication (Companion report).
Technical Report number TR2014-748, Dartmouth Computer Science, May 2014.
This project has been renamed CSAW.
Shrirang Mare, Andrés Molina-Markham, Cory Cornelius, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz.
ZEBRA: Zero-Effort Bilateral Recurring Authentication.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy, pages 705–720.
IEEE, May 2014.
This project has been renamed CSAW.
Cory Cornelius, Zachary Marois, Jacob Sorber, Ron Peterson, Shrirang Mare, and David Kotz.
Vocal resonance as a biometric for pervasive wearable devices.
Technical Report number TR2014-747, Dartmouth Computer Science, February 2014.
- 2013:
- 2012:
Cory Cornelius, Jacob Sorber, Ronald Peterson, Joe Skinner, Ryan Halter, and David Kotz.
Who wears me? Bioimpedance as a passive biometric.
Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Health Security and Privacy, 10 pages.
USENIX Association, August 2012.
Cory Cornelius, Zachary Marois, Jacob Sorber, Ron Peterson, Shrirang Mare, and David Kotz.
Passive Biometrics for Pervasive Wearable Devices (Poster paper).
Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), 1 page.
ACM, February 2012.
- 2010:
- 2009:
- 2002:
[Kotz research]