BibTeX for papers by David Kotz; for complete/updated list see @Article{rawassizadeh:datasets, author = {Reza Rawassizadeh and David Kotz}, title = {{Datasets for Mobile, Wearable and IoT Research}}, journal = {GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications}, year = 2017, month = {April}, volume = 20, number = 4, pages = {5--7}, publisher = {ACM}, copyright = {ACM}, DOI = {10.1145/3081016.3081018}, URL = {}, abstract = {The advent of affordable devices with sensors and communication capabilities has led to the proliferation of computing paradigms, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile devices, and wearable technologies. For the sake of simplicity, we use the umbrella term ``small devices'' for these technologies. At the same time, in the past decade, the increasing availability of large datasets has shifted scientists' attention toward data science, and defined new trends in computation. Even some scientists call it an evolutionary shift that has changed the pace of scientific progress, i.e., the ``fourth paradigm''.}, } @TechReport{yeo:poll-tr, author = {Jihwang Yeo and Keren Tan and David Kotz}, title = {{User survey regarding the needs of network researchers in trace-anonymization tools}}, institution = {Dartmouth Computer Science}, year = 2009, month = {November}, number = {TR2009-658}, copyright = {the authors}, address = {Hanover, NH}, URL = {}, abstract = {To understand the needs of network researchers in an anonymization tool, we conducted a survey on the network researchers. We invited network researchers world-wide to the survey by sending invitation emails to well-known mailing lists whose subscribers may be interested in network research with collecting, sharing and sanitizing network traces.}, } @Misc{kotz:dartmouth-campus-20090909, author = {David Kotz and Tristan Henderson and Ilya Abyzov and Jihwang Yeo}, title = {{CRAWDAD dataset dartmouth/campus (v. 2009-09-09)}}, howpublished = {Available for download on IEEE DataPort}, year = 2009, month = {September}, copyright = {the authors}, DOI = {10.15783/C7F59T}, URL = {}, abstract = {This dataset includes syslog, SNMP, and tcpdump data for 5 years or more, for over 450 access points and several thousand users at Dartmouth College.}, } @Unpublished{camp:wishlist, author = {Jean Camp and Lorrie Cranor and Nick Feamster and Joan Feigenbaum and Stephanie Forrest and Dave Kotz and Wenke Lee and Patrick Lincoln and Vern Paxson and Mike Reiter and Ron Rivest and William Sanders and Stefan Savage and Sean Smith and Eugene Spafford and Sal Stolfo}, title = {{Data for Cybersecurity Research: Process and `Wish List'}}, year = 2009, month = {June}, day = 10, copyright = {the authors}, URL = {}, note = {Informal report}, abstract = {This document identifies data needs of the security research community. This document is in response to a request for a ``data wish list''. Because specific data needs will evolve in conjunction with evolving threats and research problems, we augment the wish list with commentary about some of the broader issues for data usage.}, } @Article{yeo:crawdad-2007, author = {Jihwang Yeo and David Kotz and Tristan Henderson}, title = {{Workshop report --- CRAWDAD Workshop 2007}}, journal = {ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review}, year = 2008, month = {July}, volume = 38, number = 3, pages = {79--82}, publisher = {ACM}, copyright = {ACM}, DOI = {10.1145/1384609.1384619}, URL = {}, abstract = {Wireless network researchers are hungry for data about how real users, applications, and devices use real networks under real network conditions. CRAWDAD, the Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth, is an NSF-funded project that is building a wireless network data archive for the research community. We host wireless data, and provide tools and documents to make it easy to collect and use wireless network data. We hope that this resource will help researchers to identify and evaluate real and interesting problems in mobile and pervasive computing. This report outlines the CRAWDAD project and summarizes the third CRAWDAD workshop, held at MobiCom 2007.}, } @Article{yeo:crawdad-mc2r, author = {Jihwang Yeo and Tristan Henderson and David Kotz}, title = {{Workshop report --- CRAWDAD Workshop 2006}}, journal = {ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communication Review}, year = 2007, month = {January}, volume = 11, number = 1, pages = {67--69}, publisher = {ACM}, copyright = {ACM}, URL = {}, abstract = {Wireless network researchers are seriously starved for data about how real users, applications, and devices use real networks under real network conditions. CRAWDAD, the Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth, is an NSF-funded project that is building a wireless network data archive for the research community. We host wireless data, and provide tools and documents to make it easy to collect and use wireless network data. We hope that this resource will help researchers to identify and evaluate real and interesting problems in mobile and pervasive computing. This report outlines the CRAWDAD project and summarizes the second CRAWDAD workshop, held at MobiCom 2006.}, } @Misc{kotz:crawdad-sw, author = {David Kotz and Tristan Henderson and Chris McDonald}, title = {{CRAWDAD archive: a Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth}}, howpublished = {Web site}, year = 2005, copyright = {the authors}, URL = {}, abstract = {CRAWDAD is the Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth, a wireless network data resource for the research community. This archive has the capacity to store wireless trace data from many contributing locations, and staff to develop better tools for collecting, anonymizing, and analyzing the data.}, } @Misc{kotz:gnuplot-sw, author = {Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley and others}, title = {{gnuplot plotting software}}, howpublished = {Major contributor 1987--91}, year = 1987, copyright = {the authors}, URL = {}, abstract = {Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms. It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively. Gnuplot has been supported and under active development since 1986.}, }