A Directory Infrastructure to Support Mobile Services
Ammar Khalid. A Directory Infrastructure to Support Mobile Services. Technical Report number TR2001-391, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH, June 2001. ©Copyright the author. Available as Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2001-391. Senior Honors Thesis. Advisor: David Kotz.Abstract:
Traditional Voice-over-IP applications such as Microsoft NetMeeting assume that the user is on a machine with a fixed IP address. If, however, the user connects to the Internet, via a wireless network, on a handheld device, his IP address frequently changes as he moves from one subnet to another. In such a situation, we need a service that can be queried for the most current IP address of a person whom we wish to contact. In this project, we design and implement such a directory service. The service authenticates all callers and callees, is robust against most host failure, and scales to several thousand registered users.
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