BibTeX for papers by David Kotz; for complete/updated list see @InProceedings{kotz:mHealth-threats, author = {David Kotz}, title = {{A threat taxonomy for mHealth privacy}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Workshop on Networked Healthcare Technology (NetHealth)}}, year = 2011, month = {January}, articleno = 1, numpages = 6, publisher = {IEEE}, copyright = {IEEE}, DOI = {10.1109/COMSNETS.2011.5716518}, URL = {}, abstract = {Networked mobile devices have great potential to enable individuals (and their physicians) to better monitor their health and to manage medical conditions. In this paper, we examine the privacy-related threats to these so-called \emph{mHealth} technologies. We develop a taxonomy of the privacy-related threats, and discuss some of the technologies that could support privacy-sensitive mHealth systems. We conclude with a brief summary of research challenges.}, }