Parallel Computer Needs at Dartmouth College
David Kotz, Fillia Makedon, Matt Bishop, Scot Drysdale, Donald Johnson, and Takis Metaxis. Parallel Computer Needs at Dartmouth College. Technical Report number PCS-TR92-176, Dartmouth Computer Science, Hanover, NH 03775, January 1992. ©Copyright the authors.Abstract:
To determine the need for a parallel computer on campus, a committee of the Graduate Program in Computer Science surveyed selected Dartmouth College faculty and students in December, 1991, and January, 1992. We hope that the information in this report can be used by many groups on campus, including the Computer Science graduate program and DAGS summer institute, Kiewit's NH Supercomputer Initiative, and by numerous researchers hoping to collaborate with people in other disciplines.
We found significant interest in parallel supercomputing on campus. An on-campus parallel supercomputing facility would not only support numerous courses and research projects, but would provide a locus for intellectual activity in parallel computing, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration. We believe that this report is a first step in that direction.
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