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Related keywords: [mhealth], [security]
In the "Amanuensis" project we explore the potential combination of blockchain and trusted-execution-environment (TEE) technology to support strong integrity and confidentiality guarantees in the storage of health-related data... including robust provenance information regarding information derived from original sources.
For a complete presentation, including all the results of the papers below, see Hardin's PhD dissertation [hardin:thesis].
In our first paper, we surveyed the literature regarding use of blockchain in healthcare information systems [hardin:blockchain-survey].
In our second paper, we describe the design and initial evaluation of Amanuensis, a concept for a secure, integrated healthcare data system that leverages Blockchain and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technologies to achieve information provenance for mHealth data [hardin:amanuensis].
In our third paper, we update Amanuensis to ensure the freshness of access-control lists shared between the blockchain and TEE, and to improve the privacy of users interacting within the system. We also detail how TEE-based remote attestation help us to achieve information provenance - specifically, how to achieve information provenance in the context of the Intel SGX trusted execution environment. Finally, we present an evaluation of our system in which we test several real-world machine-learning applications [hardin:amanuensis2].
The ideas in this paper are captured in a patent application [hardin:patent1].
Taylor Hardin, David Kotz, Jack McGary.
This project is funded by a generous gift from the Vechain Foundation.
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