CogVox project


The CogVox project is led by Xiaohui Liang (UMass Boston) and John Batsis (UNC). It aims to leverage conversations with Amazon's Alexa voice-based assistant to predict early onset of dementia in older adults. Such systems raise potential privacy concerns, which is how I became involved.


John Batsis, Tiffany Driesse, Karen Fortuna, David Kotz, Xiaohui Liang, David Lynch, Brian MacWhinney, Robert Roth, Hillary Spangler, Youxiang Zhu.

Funding and acknowledgements

This project was funded by the National Institute on Aging R01AG067416-03, NC Tracs ACTP1R1001, National Science Foundation SaTC Frontiers program under award number 1955805.

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[Kotz research]