D'Agents Team members (as of Winter 1999)

Picture of most of us, in August 1998
The D'Agents team is drawn from the Department of Computer Science and from the Computer Engineering Group at the Thayer School of Engineering.
The e-mail address for any Dartmouth team member is:
Project Directors
Professor George Cybenko,
Thayer School of Engineering
Professor Bob Gray,
Thayer School of Engineering
Professor David Kotz,
Department of Computer Science
Professor Daniela Rus,
Department of Computer Science
CS Staff
Alison.D.Sartonov, administrative assistant
Ron Peterson, Senior Programmer
Arne Grimstrup, Research Associate
CS Graduate Students
Jonathan Bredin (economic models)
Guanling Chen (scalable document server)
Katya Pelekhov (self-organizing information systems)
Rong Xie (resource managers)
Kazuhiro Minami
Thayer postdocs
Guofei Jiang (functional validation)
Thayer Graduate Students
Daniel Bilar (workflow)
Brian Brewington (optimal observation of changing information sources)
Daniel Burroughs (distributed simulation)
Robert Grube (wireless networking)
Anush Kumar (distributed simulation)
Jeanne Sucharitaves (distributed simulation)
Shankar Sundaram (visual agent construction)
Undergraduate Students
Ryan Acton '00 (soldier's GUI)
Colin Brash '02 (soldier/planner GUI)
Dave Castleman '01 (soldier's GUI)
Debbie Chyi '00 (salesman demo and automatic server replication)
Alex Iliev '01 (graphical agent tracker)
David Marmaros '01
Pablo Stern '01 (disconnected operation)
Dennis Walsh '01 (database query agents)
Ricky Wong '01 (MACE interface)
Visiting Students Summer 1999
Nikita Dubrovsky, from Hanover High School
Last updated on September 1, 1999
The D'Agents Project ended in approximately 2003.
The software, and this web site, is no longer maintained.
For questions please contact
David Kotz.