Dartmouth Workshop on Transportable Agents
Workshop Chairs
George Cybenko, David Kotz, Daniela Rus
What are transportable agents?
Agents are programs that can act autonomously. Transportable (or
"mobile") agents can migrate from host to host across the network and
interact with other agents. The goal of the workshop is to identify
and discuss the scientific and engineering challenges in building
transportable agents to provide flexible, efficient, uniform, and
reliable access to data in heterogeneous networks with non-reliable
and dynamically changing resources. The foundations of transportable
agents are currently being developed in several technical communities:
artificial intelligence, distributed systems, and programming
languages, with very little interaction and feedback.
Our forum brought together the most active researchers on
transportable agents issues from these communities to define a unified
long-term vision and a short-term list of scientific challenges that
will focus the transportable-agent research in the three targeted
We encouraged agent-system builders, agent programmers, and people who
have thought a lot about agents, to attend, through direct-mailings to
relevant agent mailing lists. So that we could all know each other's
background before the workshop, we asked people to submit
- a one-page abstract describing their interest in transportable
agents (e.g., an agent that they are developing that might be
amenable to transportable-agent technology, or
a transportable-agent system they have developed), and
- a short bio of each potential attendee from that project
The workshop was kicked off in the evening of Friday, September 27
with a keynote by Marvin Minsky on "Forty years of A.I.," in
reference to the 1956 Dartmouth conference that founded the field of
Artificial Intelligence. On Saturday, topical discussions were led by
Bob Gray (Dartmouth), Robert Morris, Sr. (consultant),
the Tacoma folks from Cornell and Tromso (Dag Johansen, Fred
Schneider, Robbert van Renesse), Kris Hammond (U Chicago),
James White (Telescript), and Bob Sproull (Sun Labs).
There are no formal proceedings. Each invitee submitted an
abstract so you can learn about their research
that way. We also have an informal proceedings
that includes a summary of each session and the slides from a few of the
Co-sponsored by the
Air Force Office
of Scientific Research
In cooperation with the
Dartmouth Institute for Advanced Graduate Studies (DAGS)
Other workshops on related themes
There are numerous agent workshops, and some mobile-code workshops.
There are too many to list here.
- Autonomous Agents, February 5-8, 1997
- Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, August 12 - 16, 1996
- AAAI-96 International Workshop on Intelligent Adaptive Agent
- Joint W3C/OMG Workshop on Distributed Objects and Mobile Code, June 24-25, 1996
- WWW Mobile Code Workshop, July 5, 1995
David Kotz --
Last modified: Tue Jun 3 16:40:35 1997