We introduce our framework called ACACIA for distributed problem solving by multiple agents. While most efforts in multi-agent systems (MAS) focus on homogenous agents, we acknowledge the need for a higher level framework. The issue on interoperability among various frameworks is addressed. We design a system whereby a group of heterogenous agents can collaborate in solving a problem without having to re-engineer the individual agents. Our framework is based mainly on the notion of agencies. We also apply a case-based coordination scheme in which a database of collaboration protocols is consulted for the given problem situation. One of the salient issues in ACACIA is mobility as a component of effective planning and messaging since the participating MAS can be continents apart. We develop our scheme for mobile coordination. ACACIA is a complete agent environment backed by a well-defined framework and a robust set of runtime libries. We also developed our own problem solving paradigm in a mobile environment. Finally, we designed the ACACIA network and a runtime environment for the participating ACACIA sites.