The Advanced Telecommunications Institute (ATI) developed one of the first Multimedia MIB standards. Since that time, continued research activity in the areas of internetworking and multimedia has led to current research in the area of transportable agents, suitable for use in distributed network environments. There are currently three areas of agent research underway in the ATI Multimedia Lab: - Information retrieval agents: development of a distributed application for real-time information indexing and retrieval is underway. This application uses distributed database technology, and real-time information retrieval strategies. - Intelligent agents: information negotiation and brokering capabilities are incorporated into intelligent agents. One use would be network service negotiation. - Network managment agents: implementation of network management agents, in a TCP/IP testbed environment The explosive growth of the internet has far exceeded the tools for distributed systems management. Transportable agents are important elements in the emerging scheme of network management on the Internet. Distributed multimedia systems and the agents that serve them are most concerned about the end-to-end quality of service assured them through negotiation and brokering. The ATI Multimedia Lab is currently developing agents for use with multimedia applications in a distributed environment and for service-level network managment. The increase in mobile applications has highlighted the need for nomadic network management applications, suitable for use in dynamic network topologies. Applications for these agents include search engines, incorporation into personal agents, and service assurance for end-to- end multimedia service delivery.