Ray Burns: Ray holds a BS degree in Mathematics and a Master=12s degree in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina. While a graduate student, Ray developed an early version of a virtual reality system applied to psychological research into driving behavior. He studied nuclear power engineering and implemented real-time computer systems in the US Navy, and later implemented a computer-aided interviewing system at Duke University in support of community drug use assessment. At the University of North Carolina Biostatistics Department, he developed a retrospective diagnostic algorithm to diagnose hospital acquired infections as part of the Center for Disease Control SENIC program. He has developed advanced real-time computer systems at Computer Sciences Corporation (air and water quality assessment), Raytheon (active submarine sonar systems), Wang Laboratories (Freestyle, imaging and networks), Digital Equipment (virtual reality, networks and internet). He led the Core development team for the CyberAgent=19 product and is currently the project lead for the Enterprise Agents team.