Biography of Graham Glass ------------------------- Graham Glass is a cofounder and director of Research for ObjectSpace Inc, a company that specializes in advanced software technology. ObjectSpace was started in 1992, is based in Dallas, TX with offices in Chicago, Washington D.C. and Austin, and currently employs 120 people. Graham graduated in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from the Universtity of Southampton, England. He was awarded the British Computer Society award for outstanding performance. In 1985, he graduated Magna cum Laude with a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). He is currently pursuing a PhD at UTD in the field of mobile agents. His main interests lie in the field of Cognitive Science, NeuroScience, and distributed computing. His primary influences are Marvin Minsky and Douglas Hofstadter. Graham has trained students in C++, Smalltalk, Java, Object-oriented Analysis and Design , and Managing Object-Oriented projects. He has consulted for several Fortune 500 companies and been in involved in large C++ and Smalltalk projects. He was a lead designer/engineer for the ObjectSpace component group. He has created several ORBs in both C++ and Smalltalk, and is currently the lead architect for Voyager and WorldAPI. He does plenty of public speaking, and was recently awarded the regional "Entrepreneur of the Year" award together with his cofounder David Norris. He has two books published by Prentice Hall, and is a regular columnist with the C++ Report.