Ray W. Johnson is an engineer at Sun Microsystems Laboratories. Ray has been interested for some time with the uses of agents and mobile code on the internet. His current project is centered about the Tcl/Tk scripting language and its applications for the Internet. This work has had two main thrusts. The first is the ability to write a script that may contain a user interface and have it work unmodified on the major computer platforms with the right look and feel. The second involves the notion of a "safe" interpreter that can be used to run untrusted scripts in a secure manner. Mr. Johnson has also published several papers on the use of Tcl/Tk and software agents. Most recently this has included a book chapter on Tcl/Tk in a book about software agents titled "Bots and other Internet Beasties". In addition, Ray is on the editorial board of a new IEEE magazine called "Internet Computing". Prior to joining Sun Ray was an engineer at Lockheed-Martin's Artificial Intelligence Research Center. Here Ray focused on creating software agents that had the ability to react to a changing environment. Lockheed is also where he started a mailing list for software agents that now includes over 1400 researchers. Ray's interests include software agents, user interface toolkits, and scripting languages. He received a B.S. in Computer Science from George Washington University in 1991 and a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1992.