DWTA '97

Biography for Ramzan Khuwaja

Name: Ramzan Khuwaja
Organization: Nortel
E-mail: ramzan.khuwaja@nortel.ca

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I am currently working at the Computing Technology Lab (CTL), Nortel Technology as a Java/Internet Specialist. Because of the proprietary nature of my work I would not be able to provide much details about the project that we are developing. Our current development uses a Java-based mobile agent framework. One part of my job is to evaluate and monitor new technologies that could impact our business. Mobile agent paradigm is quite attractive, in my view, to provide load balancing, data mobility, and accomplishing intelligent tasks. I am particularly interested in developing mobile agent systems that perform intelligent tasks.

I have a Ph.D. from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago in the fie ld of Artificial Intelligence. After my graduation I worked as a researcher at the Computer Research Institute of Montreal for two years. Over there we developed a Web-based intelligent teaching/tutoring system. I am with Nortel since last November.

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