DWTA '97

Biography for Andrzej Cichocki

Name: Andrzej Cichocki
Organization: MCC

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Andrzej Cichocki is a member of the CMI group in MCC since March of 1997. His main area of interest are multidatabase transactions and transactional workflows. His master thesis, defended in 1992 at the University of Houston, was on the subject of supporting various models of extended transactions in a multidatabase environment. Since then he co-authored several journal and conference publications on extended transaction models and on transactional workflows. In 1996 he was working in MCC on various aspects of the Infosleuth agent architecture, and particularly on interoprerability of autonomous and heterogeneous resources with the rest of the agent community. Currently he is investigating the concepts of Migrating Workflows within the Collaboration Management Infrastructure project at MCC.

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