@InProceedings{ali:enhancing, author = {Zeyad Ali and Qutaibah Malluhi}, title = {Enhancing data-intensive applications performance by tuning the distributed storage policies}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'04}, year = {2004}, month = {June}, volume = {3}, pages = {1515--1522}, copyright = {(c)2005 Elsevier Engineering Information, Inc.}, address = {Las Vegas, NV}, keywords = {application-specific storage policies, pario-app, DTViewer, access patterns, data layout, pario-bib}, abstract = {This paper describes the performance improvements achieved by a data-intensive application by controlling the storage policies and algorithms of a distributed storage system. The Network Storage Manager (NSM) is a mass distributed storage framework with a unique architecture that provides applications with the high-performance features they need. It also provides the standard most commonly used implementation for storage policies. Distributed Terrain Viewer (DTViewer) is an application that utilizes NSM architecture and for efficient and reliable data delivery. Moreover, it exploits NSM controllable architecture by plugging-in its application-specific optimized implementations. DTViewer overrides the default NSM policies that do not understand its sophisticated access patterns, partitioning, and storage layout requirements. Experimental results have show significant improvement achieved when the application-tailored implementation are used. Such speedups are not achievable on storage systems with no application control such as the Parallel Virtual File System PVFS. (44 Refs.)} }