@Article{arge:jsegments, author = {Lars Arge and Darren Erik Vengroff and Jeffrey Scott Vitter}, title = {External-Memory Algorithms for Processing Line Segments in Geographic Information Systems}, journal = {Algorithmica}, year = {1998}, note = {To appear}, earlier = {arge:segments}, URL = {ftp://cs.duke.edu/pub/jsv/Papers/AVV97.SegmentGIS.ps.gz}, keywords = {verify, out-of-core algorithm, computational geometry, pario-bib}, abstract = {We present a set of algorithms designed to solve large-scale geometric problems involving collections of line segments in the plane. Geographical information systems (GIS) handle large amounts of spatial data, and at some level the data is often manipulated as collections of line segments. NASA's EOS project is an example of a GIS that is expected to store and manipulate petabytes (thousands of terabytes, or millions of gigabytes) of data! In the design of algorithms for this type of large-scale application, it is essential to consider the problem of minimizing I/O communication, which is the bottleneck. \par In this paper we develop efficient new external-memory algorithms for a number of important problems involving line segments in the plane, including trapezoid decomposition, batched planar point location, triangulation, red-blue line segment intersection reporting, and general line segment intersection reporting. In GIS systems, the first three problems are useful for rendering and modeling, and the latter two are frequently used for overlaying maps and extracting information from them. To solve these problems, we combine and modify in novel ways several of the previously known techniques for designing efficient algorithms for external memory. We also develop a powerful new technique that can be regarded as a practical external memory version of fractional cascading. Except for the batched planar point location problem, no algorithms specifically designed for external memory were previously known for these problems. Our algorithms for triangulation and line segment intersection partially answer previously posed open problems, while the batched planar point location algorithm improves on the previously known solution, which applied only to monotone decompositions. Our algorithm for the red-blue line segment intersection problem is provably optimal.}, comment = {Special issue on cartography and geographic information systems.} }