@InProceedings{armen:disk-model, author = {Chris Armen}, title = {Bounds on the Separation of Two Parallel Disk Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Systems}, year = {1996}, month = {May}, pages = {122--127}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {Philadelphia}, keywords = {parallel I/O, theory, parallel I/O algorithm, pario-bib}, abstract = {The single-disk, D-head model of parallel I/O was introduced by Agarwal and Vitter to analyze algorithms for problem instances that are too large to fit in primary memory. Subsequently Vitter and Shriver proposed a more realistic model in which the disk space is partitioned into D disks, with a single head per disk. To date, each problem for which there is a known optimal algorithm for both models has the same asymptotic bounds on both models. Therefore, it has been unknown whether the models are equivalent or whether the single-disk model is strictly more powerful. \par In this paper we provide evidence that the single-disk model is strictly more powerful. We prove a lower bound on any general simulation of the single-disk model on the multi-disk model and establish randomized and deterministic upper bounds. Let $N$ be the problem size and let $T$ be the number of parallel I/Os required by a program on the single-disk model. Then any simulation of this program on the multi-disk model will require $\Omega\left(T \frac{\log(N/D)}{\log \log(N/D)}\right)$ parallel I/Os. This lower bound holds even if replication is allowed in the multi-disk model. We also show an $O\left(\frac{\log D}{\log \log D}\right)$ randomized upper bound and an $O\left(\log D (\log \log D)^2\right)$ deterministic upper bound. These results exploit an interesting analogy between the disk models and the PRAM and DCM models of parallel computation.} }