@InProceedings{bester:gass, author = {Joseph Bester and Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman and Jean Tedesco and Steven Tuecke}, title = {{GASS}: A Data Movement and Access Service for Wide Area Computing Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Systems}, year = {1999}, month = {May}, pages = {78--88}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {Atlanta, GA}, URL = {http://vibes.cs.uiuc.edu/IOPADS/Accepted/Tedesco.ps}, keywords = {wide-area network, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {In wide area computing, programs frequently execute at sites that are distant from their data. Data access mechanisms are required that place limited functionality demands on an application or host system yet permit high-performance implementations. To address these requirements, we propose a data movement and access service called Global Access to Secondary Storage (GASS). This service defines a global name space via Uniform Resource Locators and allows applications to access remote files via standard I/O interfaces. High performance is achieved by incorporating default data movement strategies that are specialized for I/O patterns common in wide area applications and by providing support for programmer management of data movement. GASS forms part of the Globus toolkit, a set of services for high-performance distributed computing. GASS itself makes use of Globus services for security and communication, and other Globus components use GASS services for executable staging and real-time remote monitoring. Application experiences demonstrate that the library has practical utility.} }