@InProceedings{bitton:shadow, author = {D. Bitton and J. Gray}, title = {Disk Shadowing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases}, year = {1988}, pages = {331--338}, keywords = {parallel I/O, disk shadowing, reliability, disk mirroring, disk optimization, pario-bib}, comment = {Also TR UIC EECS 88-1 from Univ of Illinois at Chicago. Shadowed disks are mirroring with more than 2 disks. Writes to all disks, reads from one with shortest seek time. Acknowledges but ignores problem posed by lo:disks. Also considers that newer disk technology does not have linear seek time $(a+bx)$ but rather $(a+b\sqrt{x})$. Shows that with either seek distribution the average seek time for workloads with at least 60\% reads decreases in the number of disks. See also bitton:schedule.} }