@TechReport{bordawekar:hpfio, author = {Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary}, title = {Extending {I/O} Capabilities of {High Performance Fortran}: Initial Experiences}, year = {1995}, month = {December}, number = {CACR-115}, institution = {Scalable I/O Initiative, Center of Advanced Computing Research, California Insititute of Technology}, keywords = {parallel I/O, compiler, FORTRAN, HPF, pario-bib}, abstract = {This report presents implementation details of the prototype PASSION compiler. The PASSION compiler provides support for: (1) Accessing multidimensional in-core arrays and (2) Out-of-core computations. The PASSION compiler takes as input an annotated I/O intensive (either an out-of-core program or program accessing distributed arrays from files) High Performance Fortran (HPF) program. Using hints provided by the user, the compiler modifies the computation so as to minimize the I/O cost and restructures the program to incorporate explicit I/O calls. In this report, compilation of out-of-core FORALL constructs is illustrated using representative programs. Compiler support for accessing distributed in-core data is explained using illustrative examples and supplemented by experimental results.}, comment = {Currently not available on WWW. Describes implementation details of the PASSION Compiler.} }