@Article{brezany:irregular, author = {P. Brezany and A. Choudhary and M. Dang}, title = {Parallelization of irregular out-of-core applications for distributed-memory systems}, journal = {High-Performance Computing and Networking}, year = {1997}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {1225}, pages = {811--820}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, earlier = {brezany:irregular-tr}, keywords = {parallel I/O, out of core, compiler, library, pario-bib}, abstract = {Large scale irregular applications involve data arrays and other data structures that are too large to fit in main memory and hence reside on disks; such applications are called out-of-core applications. This paper presents techniques for implementing this kind of applications. In particular we present a design for a runtime system to efficiently support parallel execution of irregular out-of-core codes on distributed-memory systems. Furthermore, we describe the appropriate program transformations required to reduce the I/O overheads for staging data as well as for communication while maintaining load balance. The proposed techniques can be used by a parallelizing compiler or by users writing programs in node + message passing style. We have done a preliminary implementation of the techniques presented here. We introduce experimental results from a template CFD code to demonstrate the efficacy of the presented techniques.}, comment = {The authors present techniques for implementing large scale irregular out-of-core applications. The techniques they describe can be used by a parallel compiler (e.g., HPF and its extensions) or by users using message passing. The objectives of the proposed techniques are to ''to minimize I/O accesses in all steps while maintaining load balance and minimal communication''. They demonstrate the effectivness of their techniques by showing results from a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code.} }