@TechReport{cao:tickertaip-tr, author = {Pei Cao and Swee Boon Lim and Shivakumar Venkataraman and John Wilkes}, title = {The {TickerTAIP} parallel {RAID} architecture}, year = {1992}, month = {December}, number = {HPL-92-151}, institution = {HP Labs}, later = {cao:tickertaip-tr2}, keywords = {parallel I/O, RAID, pario-bib}, comment = {A parallelized RAID architecture that distributes the RAID controller operations across several worker nodes. Multiple hosts can connect to different workers, allowing multiple paths into the array. The workers then communicate on their own fast interconnect to accomplish the requests, distributing parity computations across multiple workers. They get much better performance and reliability than plain RAID. They built a prototype and a performance simulator. Two-phase commit was needed for request atomicity, and a request sequencer was needed for serialization. Also found it was good to give the whole request info to all workers and to let them figure out what to do and when. Superceded by cao:tickertaip-tr2 and cao:tickertaip.} }