@TechReport{cao:tickertaip-tr2, author = {Pei Cao and Swee Boon Lim and Shivakumar Venkataraman and John Wilkes}, title = {The {TickerTAIP} parallel {RAID} architecture}, year = {1993}, month = {April}, number = {HPL-93-25}, institution = {HP Labs}, earlier = {cao:tickertaip-tr}, later = {cao:tickertaip}, keywords = {parallel I/O, RAID, pario-bib}, comment = {Revised version of cao:tickertaip, actually: ``It's the ISCA paper with some text edits plus some new results on what happens if you turn disk request-scheduling on. It's been sent to TOCS.''. Thus it supercedes both cao:tickertaip-tr and cao:tickertaip. Eventually published as cao:jtickertaip.} }