@TechReport{carretero:lfs, author = {J. Carretero and F. {P\'erez} and P. de~Miguel and F. {Garc\'{\i}a} and L. Alonso}, title = {{LFS} Design: A Parallel File Server for Multicomputers}, year = {1994}, number = {FIM/81.1/DATSI/94}, institution = {Universidad Politecnic Madrid}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, URL = {http://laurel.datsi.fi.upm.es/~gp/publications/datsi81.1.ps.Z}, keywords = {multiprocessor file system, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {This document describes the detailed design of the LFS, one of the components of the Cache Coherent File System (CCFS). CCFS has three main components: Client File Server (CLFS), Local File Server (LFS), Concurrent Disk System (CDS). The Local File Servers are located on each disk node, to develop file server functions in a per node basis. The LFS will interact with the Concurrent Disk System (CDS) to execute real input/output and to manage the disk system, partitions, distributed partitions, etc. The LFS includes general file system services and specialized services, and it will be responsible of maintaining cache consistency, distributing accesses to other servers, controlling partition information, etc.}, comment = {See carretero:*, rosales:cds, perez:clfs.} }