@InProceedings{carretero:mapping, author = {J. Carretero and F. P\'{e}rez and P. {de Miguel} and F. Garc\'{\i}a and L. Alonso}, title = {{I/O} Data Mapping in {{\em ParFiSys:}} Support for High-Performance {I/O} in Parallel and Distributed Systems}, booktitle = {Euro-Par~'96}, year = {1996}, month = {August}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {1123}, pages = {522--526}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, URL = {http://laurel.datsi.fi.upm.es/~gp/publications/europar96.ps.Z}, keywords = {parallel I/O, multiprocessor file system, pario-bib}, abstract = {This paper gives an overview of the I/O data mapping mechanisms of {\em ParFiSys}. Grouped management and parallelization are presented as relevant features. I/O data mapping mechanisms of {\em ParFiSys}, including all levels of the hierarchy, are described in this paper.} }