@InProceedings{chen:panda, author = {Y. Chen and M. Winslett and K. E. Seamons and S. Kuo and Y. Cho and M. Subramaniam}, title = {Scalable Message Passing in {Panda}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Systems}, year = {1996}, month = {May}, pages = {109--121}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {Philadelphia}, keywords = {parallel I/O, parallel file system, pario-bib}, abstract = {To provide high performance for applications with a wide variety of i/o requirements and to support many different parallel platforms, the design of a parallel i/o system must provide for efficient utilization of available bandwidth both for disk traffic and for message passing. In this paper we discuss the message-passing scalability of the server-directed i/o architecture of Panda, a library for synchronized i/o of multidimensional arrays on parallel platforms. We show how to improve i/o performance in situations where message-passing is a bottleneck, by combining the server-directed i/o strategy for highly efficient use of available disk bandwidth with new mechanisms to minimize internal communication and computation overhead in Panda. We present experimental results that show that with these improvements, Panda will provide high i/o performance for a wider range of applications, such as applications running with slow interconnects, applications performing i/o operations on large numbers of arrays, or applications that require drastic data rearrangements as data are moved between memory and disk (e.g., array transposition). We also argue that in the future, the improved approach to message-passing will allow Panda to support applications that are not closely synchronized or that run in heterogeneous environments.}, comment = {see seamons:panda. This paper goes further with some communication improvements.} }