@Book{convex:exemplar, key = {CCC}, title = {{Convex Exemplar} Scalable Parallel Processing System}, year = {1994}, publisher = {Convex Computer Corporation}, note = {Order number 080-002293-000}, keywords = {parallel computer architecture, shared memory, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, comment = {The Convex Exemplar connects {\em hypernodes}, which are basically SMP nodes built from 8 HP PA-RISC CPUs, lots of RAM, and a crossbar switch, with their own implementation of the SCI interconnect. Hierarchical caching supports a global shared physical address space. Each hypernode can also have an I/O adapter, to which they can attach lots of different I/O devices. The I/O adapter has the capability to DMA directly into any memory in the system, even on other hypernodes. Each hypernode runs its own file-system server, which manages UNIX file systems on the devices of that hypernode. Striped file systems are supported in software, although it's not clear if they can stripe across hypernodes, or only within hypernodes, ie, whether (striped) file systems can span multiple hypernodes.} }