@InProceedings{cortes:hraid, author = {Toni Cortes and Jes\'us Labarta}, title = {{HRaid}: A Flexible Storage-system Simulator}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications}, year = {1999}, month = {June}, pages = {772--778}, publisher = {CSREA Press}, URL = {ftp://ftp.ac.upc.es/pub/reports/DAC/1999/UPC-DAC-1999-14.ps.Z}, keywords = {simulation, RAID, disk array, storage system, heterogeneous system, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {Clusters of workstations are becoming a quite popular platform to run high-performance applications. This fact has stressed the need of high-performance storage systems for this kind of environments. In order to design such systems, we need adequate tools, which should be flexible enough to model a cluster of workstations. Currently available simulators do not allow heterogeneity (several kind of disks), hierarchies or resource sharing (among others), which are quite common in clusters. To fill this gap, we have designed and implemented HRaid, which is a very flexible and easy to use storage-system simulator. In this paper, we present this simulator, its main abstractions and some simple examples of how it can be used.} }