@InProceedings{cortes:paca, author = {Toni Cortes and Sergi Girona and Jes\'us Labarta}, title = {{PACA}: A Cooperative File System Cache for Parallel Machines}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Euro-Par Conference}, year = {1996}, month = {August}, pages = {I:477--486}, earlier = {cortes:paca-tr}, keywords = {file caching, multiprocessor file system, cooperative caching, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {A new cooperative caching mechanism, PACA, along with a caching algorithm, LRU-Interleaved, and an aggressive prefetching algorithm, Full-File-On-Open, are presented. The caching algorithm is especially targeted to parallel machines running a microkernel-based operating system. It avoids the cache coherence problem with no loss in performance. Comparing our algorithm with N-Chance Forwarding, in the above environment, better results have been obtained by LRU-Interleaved. We also evaluate an aggressive prefetching algorithm that highly increases read performance taking advantage of the huge caches cooperative caching offers.}, comment = {Contact toni@ac.upc.es. See also the a longer version of the paper, cortes:paca-tr.} }