@Misc{coyne:storage, author = {Robert A. Coyne and Harry Hulen and Richard Watson}, title = {Storage Systems for National Information Assets}, year = {1993}, note = {Publication status unknown}, keywords = {parallel I/O, file system, network, pario-bib}, comment = {See also coyne:hpss. They describe the National Storage Laboratory at LLNL. Collaboration with many companies. The idea is to build a combined storage system from many disk and tape components that is networked to supercomputers. The philosophy is to separate control and data network traffic, so that the overall control can be managed by a (relatively) small computer, without the same computer needing to pump all of the data through it's CPU. The data would go directly from the devices to the client supercomputer. They also want to support multiple hierarchies of data storage, so that new technologies can be inserted without disrupting existing hierarchies. Access interface is layered so that high-level abstractions can be provided as well as low-level control for those who need it.} }