@Article{dibble:sort2, author = {Peter C. Dibble and Michael L. Scott}, title = {Beyond Striping: The {Bridge} Multiprocessor File System}, journal = {Computer Architecture News}, year = {1989}, month = {September}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, earlier = {dibble:sort}, URL = {ftp://ftp.cs.rochester.edu/pub/papers/systems/89.CAN.Bridge.ps.Z}, keywords = {parallel I/O, external sorting, merging, parallel file reference pattern, pario-bib}, comment = {Subset of dibble:sort. Extra comments to distinguish from striping and RAID work. Good point that those projects are addressing a different bottleneck, and that they can provide essentially unlimited bandwidth to a single processor. Bridge could use those as individual file systems, parallelizing the overall file system, avoiding the software bottleneck. Using a very-reliable RAID at each node in Bridge could safeguard Bridge against failure for reasonable periods, removing reliability from Bridge level.} }