@InProceedings{durand:scheduling, author = {Dannie Durand and Ravi Jain and David Tseytlin}, title = {Distributed Scheduling Algorithms to Improve the Performance of Parallel Data Transfers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IPPS~'94 Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel Computer Systems}, year = {1994}, month = {April}, pages = {85--104}, organization = {Bellcore}, note = {Also appeared in Computer Architecture News 22(4)}, later = {durand:scheduling-book}, keywords = {parallel I/O algorithms, pario-bib}, comment = {They devise some decentralized algorithms to generate schedules for data transfers between a set of clients and a set of servers when the complete set of transfers is known in advance, and the clients and servers are fairly tightly synchronized. They concentrate on the limitation that clients and servers may each only participate in one transfer at any given moment; interconnect bandwidth is not an issue. Their simulations show that their algorithms come within 20\% of optimal.} }