@TechReport{feitelson:vesta-perf-tr, author = {Dror G. Feitelson and Peter F. Corbett and Jean-Pierre Prost}, title = {Performance of the {Vesta} Parallel File System}, year = {1994}, month = {September}, number = {RC~19760 (87534)}, institution = {IBM T.J. Watson Research Center}, address = {Yorktown Heights, NY 10598}, later = {feitelson:vesta-perf}, URL = {http://www.watson.ibm.com:8080/PS/157.ps.gz}, keywords = {parallel I/O, multiprocessor file system, Vesta, pario-bib}, comment = {Cite feitelson:vesta-perf. A good performance study of Vesta running on an SP-1. See corbett:jvesta for ultimate reference. In all, Vesta performed very well both for single-node and multiple-node performance. I wish that they had tried some very small BSUs; at one point they tried 16-byte BSUs and the performance looked very poor. Section on I/O vectors is confusing.} }