@TechReport{french:ipsc2io-tr, author = {James C. French and Terrence W. Pratt and Mriganka Das}, title = {Performance Measurement of a Parallel Input/Output System for the {Intel iPSC/2} Hypercube}, year = {1991}, number = {IPC-TR-91-002}, institution = {Institute for Parallel Computation, University of Virginia}, later = {french:ipsc2io}, URL = {ftp://ftp.cs.virginia.edu/pub/techreports/IPC-91-02.ps.Z}, keywords = {parallel I/O, Intel iPSC/2, disk caching, prefetching, pario-bib}, comment = {Nice study of performance of existing CFS system on 32-node + 4 I/O-node iPSC/2. They show big improvements due to declustering, preallocation, caching, and prefetching. See also pratt:twofs.} }