@InProceedings{gibson:scotch1, author = {Garth A. Gibson and Daniel Stodolsky and Pay W. Chang and William V. {Courtright II} and Chris G. Demetriou and Eka Ginting and Mark Holland and Qingming Ma and LeAnn Neal and R. Hugo Patterson and Jiawen Su and Rachad Youssef and Jim Zelenka}, title = {The {Scotch} Parallel Storage Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 40th IEEE Computer Society International Conference (COMPCON 95)}, year = {1995}, month = {Spring}, pages = {403--410}, address = {San Francisco}, earlier = {gibson:scotch-tr}, URL = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/pdl/ftp/SPFS/Compcon95.ps}, keywords = {parallel I/O, RAID, disk array, multiprocessor file system, file prefetching, file caching, cache consistency, pario-bib}, comment = {An overview of research being done in Garth's group. Touches on work in RAID disk arrays, parallel file systems, and prefetching. I think gibson:scotch-tr is nearly the same.} }