@InProceedings{golding:attribute, author = {Richard Golding and Elizabeth Shriver and Tim Sullivan and John Wilkes}, title = {Attribute-Managed Storage}, booktitle = {Workshop on Modeling and Specification of I/O}, year = {1995}, organization = {At SPDP'95}, URL = {http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/John_Wilkes/papers/MSIO.ps.Z}, keywords = {I/O architecture, disk array, RAID, file system, storage system, pario-bib}, abstract = {Storage systems are continuing to grow, and they are become shared resources with the advent of I/O networks like FibreChannel. Managing these resources to meet performance and resiliency goals is becoming a significant challenge. We believe that completely automatic, attribute-managed storage is the way to address this issue. Our approach is based on declarative specifications of both application workloads and device characteristics. These are combined by a matching engine to generate a load-assignment that provides optimal performance and meets availability guarantees, at minimum cost.}, comment = {This is just a 4-page position paper. See also shriver:slides.} }