@Misc{gray:infinite, author = {Jim Gray}, title = {What Happens When Processing, Storage, and Bandwidth are Free and Infinite?}, year = {1997}, month = {November}, howpublished = {Keynote address at IOPADS~'97}, URL = {http://www.research.microsoft.com/barc/gray/talks/IOPADS.ppt}, keywords = {parallel computing, computer architecture, parallel I/O, pario-bib, memory hierarchy, distributed computing, database, object oriented}, abstract = {Technology trends promise to give us processors with pico-second clock speeds. These pico-processors will spend much of their time waiting for information from the storage hierarchy. I believe this will force us to adopt a data-flow programming model. Similar trends will bless us with peta-byte online stores with exa-byte near-line stores. One large disk manufacture claims it costs 8$/year to manage a megabyte of online storage. That is 8 Billion dollars per year to manage a petabyte. Automating storage management is one of our major challenges. This talk covers these technology trends, surveys the current status of commercial software tools (aka database systems), their peak performance and price performance. It then poses four major challenges: total-cost-of ownership, long-term archiving, reliably storing exabytes, and data mining on petabyte databases.}, comment = {Very interesting talk. URL points to PowerPoint slides.} }