@TechReport{grimshaw:ELFSTR, author = {Andrew S. Grimshaw and Loyot, Jr., Edmond C.}, title = {{ELFS:} Object-oriented Extensible File Systems}, year = {1991}, month = {July}, number = {TR-91-14}, institution = {Univ. of Virginia Computer Science Department}, later = {grimshaw:elfs}, URL = {ftp://ftp.cs.virginia.edu/pub/techreports/CS-91-14.ps.Z}, keywords = {parallel I/O, parallel file system, object-oriented, file system interface, Intel iPSC/2, pario-bib}, comment = {See also grimshaw:elfs. They hope to provide high bandwidth and low latency, reduce the cognitive burden on the programmer, and manage proliferation of data formats and architectural changes. Details of the plan to make an extensible OO interface to file system. Objects each have a separate thread of control, so they can do asynchronous activity like prefetching and caching in the background, and support multiple outstanding requests. The Mentat object system makes it easy for them to support pipelining of I/O with I/O and computation in the user program. Let the user choose type of consistency needed. See grimshaw:objects for more results.} }