@InProceedings{hacker:parallel-tcp, author = {Thomas J. Hacker and Brian D. Athey and Brian Noble}, title = {The end-to-end performance effects of parallel {TCP} sockets on a lossy wide-area network.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium}, year = {2002}, month = {April}, pages = {434--443}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, copyright = {(c)2004 IEE}, address = {Fort Lauderdale, Florida}, URL = {http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~hacker/papers/IPDPS.PDF}, keywords = {network congestion, parallel tcp streams, transport protocols, pario-bib}, abstract = {This paper examines the effects of using parallel TCP flows to improve end-to-end network performance for distributed data intensive applications. A series of transmission experiments were conducted over a wide-area network to assess how parallel flows improve throughput, and to understand the number of flows necessary to improve throughput while avoiding congestion. An empirical throughput expression for parallel flows based on experimental data is presented, and guidelines for the use of parallel flows are discussed. (45 refs.)} }