@Misc{hart:grid, author = {Leslie Hart and Tom Henderson and Bernardo Rodriguez}, title = {An {MPI} Based Scalable Runtime System: {I/O} Support for a Grid Library}, year = {1995 or earlier}, keywords = {parallel I/O, runtime library, pario-bib}, abstract = {In order to attain portability when using message passing on a distributed memory system, a portable message passing system must be used as well as other portable system support services. MPI[1] addresses the message passing problem. To date, there are no standards for system services and I/O. A library developed at NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) known as the Nearest Neighbor Tool[2] (NNT) provides a high level portable interface to interprocess communications for finite difference approximation numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. In order to achieve portability, MPI is used to support interprocess communications. The other services are provided by the lower level library developed at NOAA/FSL known as the Scalable Runtime System (SRS). The principle focus of this paper is SRS.}, comment = {They describe the runtime system that supports the Nearest-Neighbor Tool (NNT), which they use to parallelize weather-prediction codes. This paper gives a vague overview of the I/O support. The interface sounds fairly typical, as does the underlying structure (server processes, cache processes, etc). Sounds like it is in its early stages, but is useful for many applications.} }