@InProceedings{hatcher:linda, author = {Philip J. Hatcher and Michael J. Quinn}, title = {{C*-Linda:} {A} Programming Environment with Multiple Data-Parallel Modules and Parallel {I/O}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, year = {1991}, pages = {382--389}, keywords = {parallel I/O, Linda, data parallel, nCUBE, parallel graphics, heterogeneous computing, pario-bib}, comment = {C*-Linda is basically a combination of C* and C-Linda. The model is that of several SIMD modules interacting in a MIMD fashion through a Linda tuple space. The modules are created using {\tt eval}, as in Linda. In this case, the compiler statically assigns each eval to a separate subcube on an nCUBE 3200, although they also talk about multiprogramming several modules on a subcube (not supported by VERTEX). They envision having separate modules running on the nCUBE's graphics processors, or having the file system directly talk to the tuple space, to support I/O. They also envision talking to modules elsewhere on a network, e.g., a workstation, through the tuple space. They reject the idea of sharing memory between modules due to the lack of synchrony between modules, and message passing because it is error-prone.} }