@Article{jones:skyhi, author = {Philip W. Jones and Christopher L. Kerr and Richard S. Hemler}, title = {Practical considerations in development of a parallel {SKYHI} general circulation model}, journal = {Parallel Computing}, year = {1995}, volume = {21}, pages = {1677--1694}, publisher = {North-Holland (Elsevier Scientific)}, keywords = {parallel computing, scientific computing, weather prediction, global climate model, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, comment = {They talk about a weather code. There's a bit about the parallel I/O issues. They periodically write a restart file, and they write out several types of data files. They write out the data in any order, with a little mini-header in each chunk that describes the chunk. I/O was not a significant percentage of their run time on either the CM5 or C90. See hammond:atmosphere and hack:ncar in the same issue.} }