@Article{kallahalla:buffer-management, author = {M. Kallahalla and P. J. Varman}, title = {Analysis of simple randomized buffer management for parallel I/O}, journal = {Information Processing Letters}, year = {2004}, month = {April}, volume = {90}, number = {1}, pages = {47--52}, institution = {Hewlett Packard Labs, 1501 Page Mill Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA; Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA; Rice Univ, Dept ECE, Houston, TX 77005 USA}, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, copyright = {(c)2004 Institute for Scientific Information, Inc.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2004.01.009}, keywords = {parallel I/O, prefetching, data placement, caching, buffer management, analysis, algorithms, randomization, pario-bib}, abstract = {Buffer management for a D-disk parallel I/O system is considered in the context of randomized placement of data on the disks. A simple prefetching and caching algorithm PHASE-LRU using bounded lookahead is described and analyzed. It is shown that PHASE-LRU performs an expected number of I/Os that is within a factor Theta(log D/log log D) of the number performed by an optimal off-line algorithm. In contrast, any deterministic buffer management algorithm with the same amount of lookahead must do at least Omega(rootD) times the number of I/Os of the optimal. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.} }