@InProceedings{kallahalla:read-once, author = {Mahesh Kallahalla and Peter J. Varman}, title = {Optimal Read-Once Parallel Disk Scheduling}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Systems}, year = {1999}, month = {May}, pages = {68--77}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {Atlanta, GA}, URL = {http://vibes.cs.uiuc.edu/IOPADS/Accepted/Kallahalla.ps}, keywords = {disk scheduling, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {We present an optimal algorithm, L-OPT, for prefetching and I/O scheduling in parallel I/O systems using a read-once model of block reference. The algorithm uses knowledge of the next L block references, L-block lookahead, to schedule I/Os in an on-line manner. It uses a dynamic priority assignment scheme to decide when blocks should be prefetched, so as to minimize the total number of I/Os. The parallel disk model of an I/O system is used to study the performance of L-OPT. We show that L-OPT is comparable to the best on-line algorithm with the same amount of lookahead; the ratio of the length of its schedule to the length of the optimal schedule is within a constant factor of the best possible. Specifically, we show that the competitive ratio of L-OPT is $\Omega(\sqrt{MD/L})$ which matches the lower bound on the competitive ratio of any prefetching algorithm with L-block lookahead. In addition we show that when the lookahead consists of the entire reference string, L-OPT performs the minimum possible number of I/Os; hence L-OPT is the optimal off-line algorithm. Finally, using synthetic traces we empirically study the performance characteristics of L-OPT.} }