@InProceedings{kandemir:reorganize, author = {Mahmut Kandemir and Rajesh Bordawekar and Alok Choudhary}, title = {Data Access Reorganizations in Compiling Out-of-Core Data Parallel Programs on Distributed Memory Machines}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Parallel Processing Symposium}, year = {1997}, month = {April}, pages = {559--564}, URL = {http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/~rajesh/ipps97.ps}, keywords = {compiler, data-parallel, out-of-core, parallel I/O, pario-bib}, abstract = {This paper describes optimization techniques for translating out-of-core programs written in a data parallel language to message passing node programs with explicit parallel I/O. We demonstrate that straightforward extension of in-core compilation techniques does not work well for out-of-core programs. We then describe how the compiler can optimize the code by (1) determining appropriate file layouts for out-of-core arrays, (2) permuting the loops in the nest(s) to allow efficient file access, and (3) partitioning the available node memory among references based on I/O cost estimation. Our experimental results indicate that these optimizations can reduce the amount of time spent in I/O by as much as an order of magnitude.} }