@Article{katz:io-subsys, author = {Randy H. Katz and John K. Ousterhout and David A. Patterson and Michael R. Stonebraker}, title = {A Project on High Performance {I/O} Subsystems}, journal = {{IEEE} Database Engineering Bulletin}, year = {1988}, month = {March}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {40--47}, keywords = {parallel I/O, RAID, Sprite, reliability, disk striping, disk array, pario-bib}, comment = {Early RAID project paper. Describes the Berkeley team's plan to use an array of small (100M) hard disks as an I/O server for network file service, transaction processing, and supercomputer I/O. Considering performance, reliability, and flexibility. Initially hooked to their SPUR multiprocessor, using Sprite operating system, new filesystem. Either asynchronous striped or independent operation. Supercomputer I/O is characterized as sequential, minimum latency, low throughput. Use of parity disks to boost reliability. Files may be striped across one or more disks and extend over several sectors, thus a two-dimensional filesystem; striping need not involve all disks.} }