@PhdThesis{kim:interleave, author = {Michelle Y. Kim}, title = {Synchronously Interleaved Disk Systems with their Application to the Very Large {FFT}}, year = {1986}, school = {IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center}, address = {Yorktown Heights, New York 10598}, note = {IBM Report number RC12372}, earlier = {kim:interleaving}, keywords = {parallel I/O, disk striping, file access pattern, disk array, pario-bib}, comment = {Uniprocessor interleaving techniques. Good case for interleaving. Probably better to reference kim:interleaving and kim:fft. Discusses an 3D FFT algorithm in which the matrix is broken into subblocks that are accessed in layers. The layers are stored so this is either contiguous or with a regular stride, in fairly large chunks.} }