@InProceedings{kotz:flexibility2, author = {David Kotz and Nils Nieuwejaar}, title = {Flexibility and Performance of Parallel File Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Austrian Center for Parallel Computation (ACPC)}, year = {1996}, month = {September}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {1127}, pages = {1--11}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, copyright = {Springer-Verlag}, earlier = {kotz:flexibility}, URL = {http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/kotz:flexibility2.ps.gz}, URLpdf = {http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~dfk/papers/kotz:flexibility2.pdf}, keywords = {parallel I/O, multiprocessor file system, dfk, pario-bib}, abstract = {As we gain experience with parallel file systems, it becomes increasingly clear that a single solution does not suit all applications. For example, it appears to be impossible to find a single appropriate interface, caching policy, file structure, or disk-management strategy. Furthermore, the proliferation of file-system interfaces and abstractions make applications difficult to port. \par We propose that the traditional functionality of parallel file systems be separated into two components: a fixed core that is standard on all platforms, encapsulating only primitive abstractions and interfaces, and a set of high-level libraries to provide a variety of abstractions and application-programmer interfaces (APIs). \par We present our current and next-generation file systems as examples of this structure. Their features, such as a three-dimensional file structure, strided read and write interfaces, and I/O-node programs, re specifically designed with the flexibility and performance necessary to support a wide range of applications.}, comment = {Nearly identical to kotz:flexibility. The only changes are the format, a shorter abstract, and updates to Section 7 and the references.} }